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Walk MS Interview With Aimee Goldberg

In advance of Walk MS: Twin Cities, Lexitas Vice President of Community Relations, Debbie Weaver, sat down with Aimee Goldberg (former owner of Benchmark Reporting) to discuss her long-time involvement with this cause.

How did you come to partner with the Walk MS event in Minnesota?
It all began in 2006 when I volunteered at the annual Walk MS event. I was happy to be involved and to help this event succeed. What I had not counted on were the deep feelings of awe. Throngs of people affected by MS, in all states of the disease, were there. Not just to attend but to actively participate in fundraising. This was the first time I had felt inspiration and meaning since my diagnosis. There was a reason why I was there that day.

What drew you to this cause, and why was it important for Benchmark Reporting to get involved?
I have always felt that giving back to the community is vital to a successful company. The impact of MS is part of my personal journey and getting my company involved was a natural fit. 


How long have you been involved with Walk MS? Has the event changed much over the years?
Team Benchmark was formed in 2007. The Walk MS event has seen few changes over the years outside of the weather & COVID. You know you have a dedicated team when they show up for the walk year after year. Even though it may be snowing, raining or warm & sunny. It is an impressive sight to see.  

What does the Walk MS event mean to you personally now?
Even though my personal journey with MS continues to be an uphill climb my dedication to Walk MS remains the same. I have found and continue to find profound inspiration at every Walk. From the crush of people walking at the event to the determination of others to just be there, in support. The overwhelming emotions are a constant every year. Watching as individuals and teams cross the finish line varying from an entire Fire Crew finishing in full turnout gear to young sports teams in their uniforms with big grins on their faces. I still well up with tears each time I remember those special days. MS can be a very isolating disease. It is a very humbling experience to feel the overwhelming support, enthusiasm & love of friends, family, co-workers & thousands of others at this annual event.  

What does it mean to you for Lexitas to step into the role that Benchmark once served in the event?
I am stunned and thrilled to have Lexitas take up the reins of the Walk team that started in 2007. I am overwhelmed and touched that our team’s legacy will continue on. Best of luck Team Lexitas!

Walk MS: Twin Cities is Sunday, May 5th! Can we count on your support? There are two ways to participate with Team Lexitas:


Donate here          Register to walk here