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Supporting Communities

Message From Debbie

February 17, 2023

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Supporting Communities: Message From Debbie

I hope the holidays treated you well and your 2023 is off to a great start. It seems like January flew by in a flash, and it is hard to believe February is over! I have been quite busy this year transitioning into my new role as Vice President of Community relations for Lexitas. This is an entirely new role for Lexitas, and I would like to thank Gary Buckland again for supporting the mission and trusting me to build out this philanthropic division of the company.

I am incredibly energized by the possibilities and potential of what this new role offers. I have always been drawn to community service, and I have tried to use my role as a leader (first at Alaris, now at Lexitas) to reach out and try to be effective in communities surrounding St. Louis and Kansas City. My new role reminds me how important community involvement is not just in local communities, but also at a national level. Lexitas’ status as a prominent national company gives us both the opportunity and the responsibility to impact our local, state, and national communities in new and meaningful ways. My mission now is to identify and act on this potential.

As exciting as my external work with clients and communities is, I am also happy to be working to affect change within our organization. I am currently, with the help of others, setting up an internal foundation for Lexitas employees who might find themselves needing assistance. Wherever we live and whatever our circumstances, many of us find ourselves impacted by accidents, natural disasters, or personal health crises. Lexitas is working to organize a foundation that will respond to these situations and help our employees in unexpected times of need.

I am still doing some of the work I was doing in my previous role, and it has been great to continue collaborating with clients I have known for years. But my new position has also afforded me an opportunity to network widely with new clients, organizations, and employees. I feel incredibly grateful to be allying with a company like Lexitas, who is growing their service offerings and technology to better serve both our legacy clients and our new clients. When I sold Alaris to Lexitas, this was exactly the kind of growth and expanded services I had in mind.

I am lucky to be collaborating with a leader like Gary Buckland, who sets an example of change-in-action every day. Alaris was a women-owned company, and I have been an advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for decades. While Lexitas is not women-owned, it is leading the charge for change and equity through its corporate actions and decisions. A few of the following statistics bear this out:
  • Lexitas has acquired seventeen women-owned companies since 2015 (accounting for 50% of its acquisitions)
  • More than 50% of Lexitas leadership teams (26 out of 51) are women
  • Women occupy several critical senior executive roles, including Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Accounting Officer, Records Division President, Court Reporting Division President, Legal Talent Outsourcing Division President, and Sr. VP of Human Resources
While it is important to talk about change and DEI initiatives, it is more important to act on the messaging. Lexitas has built a strong record of social responsibility, and it is my responsibility now to continue and expand that work more widely. Thankfully, we are already off to a great start! We began the year by supporting local communities and great organizations, and we do not intend to slow down anytime soon.

As always, thanks to all the Lexitas employees for all you do every day to represent the organization well and to make a positive impact on our clients and their work. The only way Lexitas can continue to grow, and lead is through the efforts and quality of its people. It is a privilege to work with such a talented group, and it is something I continue to be grateful for every day. To our clients, thank you for your ongoing support of Lexitas, we couldn’t do or be who we are without all of you.
Author Image

Debbie Weaver

Vice President of Community Relations

After beginning her career as a court reporter with a degree from Brown’s Business College, Debbie purchased the firm she worked for in 1985. That firm continually grew and evolved into Alaris, providing litigation, trial, and mediation services. As Alaris transitioned to Lexitas, Debbie remains committed to the company and now operates as Lexitas' Vice President of Community Relations.

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